CIRMATH- Americas


University of Virginia

27-30 May 2018


CIRMATH includes researchers from Europe, the United States, Canada, and Latin America. Since 2014, it has sponsored a series of colloquia at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris and at the University of Lorraine., while various of its members have participated in conferences at the Royal Society of London, the Lisbon meeting of the European Society for the History of Science, the Centro internazionale per la ricerca matematica in Trento, Italy,  the Fourth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education in Turin, Italy, and the Mittag-Leffler Institute in Stockholm. The CIRMATH-Americas meeting, scheduled for 27-30 May 2018 at the University of Virginia, will be the group’s first meeting in the United States, a country, especially in the period from 1850 to 1950, which played an increasingly large role in international mathematical developments.

The CIRMATH-Americas meeting has the following goals:

  • To provide a venue in which European CIRMATH members can intensively interact with historians of mathematics from the Americas working on related historical questions.
  • To provide researchers the opportunity to explore the significant archival and library holdings at both the University of Virginia and the nearby Library of Congress.
  • To provide opportunities for American and European researchers at earlier stages in their careers to develop significant and enduring research collaborations with established scholars in the history of mathematics.
  • To trace the impact of journals on the circulation of mathematics within the Americas and between the Americas and Europe from 1850 to 1950.



Karen Parshall (University of Virginia), Sloan Despeaux (Western Carolina University), Hélène Gispert (Université de Paris Sud – GHDSO), Philippe Nabonnand (Université de Lorraine – AHP-PRIST), Jeanne Peiffer (CNRS – CHK)

Le programme et les résumés



9:20-9:30 Welcome


9:30-10:00 Deborah Kent

Ambitious editors discover a divided audience: Nineteenth-century
mathematical periodicals in the U.S.


10:10-10:40 Jemma Lorenat

Mathematics for Philosophers: The Monist from 1890 to 1906


11:20-11:50 Della Dumbaugh

Aiming for high standards: Solomon Lefschetz as editor of the Annals of


2:30-3:00 Laura Turner

Making Higher Mathematics Accessible: Miller’s Project for a Mathematical


3:10-3:40 Michael Barany

Reviews, Circulation and Mathematical Infrastructuralism


4:00-4:30 Christopher Phillips

Biostatistics and the Making of Medical Knowledge


4:30-5:00 Discussion



9:30-10:00 Amy Ackerberg-Hastings

Charles Davies as a Philosopher of Mathematics Education


10:10-10:40 Caroline Ehrhardt

The Locus of Transnational Exchanges: Mathematical Journals for Students
and Teachers, 1860s-1914.


11:20-11:50 Samson Duran

Circulations of US geometric knowledge by mathematical journals from
USA to foreign countries: E. J. Wilczynski and the US school of Projective Differential Geometry  between 1900 and  1923


2:30-3:00 Adrian Rice

The Hardy-Littlewood Circle Method: A Case Study in the Circulation of


3:10-3:40 Thomas Preveraud

Descriptive geometry from Le Guide du Carossier to The New York Coach-
Maker’s Magazine. A case of transatlantic mathematical circulation through
non specialized journals (1865-1872)


4:00-4:30 Emily Redman

Popular (?) Math: Conflicting presentations of mathematics education in the
20th-century popular press in America



9:30-10:00 Rogerio Monteiro de Siqueira

Periodicals for engineers in the last decades of the Second Empire in Brazil:
market, libraries and auctions.


10:10-10:40 Brittany Shields

“Our Technical Books are Weapons of War:” Mathematics and Technical
Training during the Second World War


11:10-12:00 Discussion