“Interplay between mathematical journals on various scales 1850–1950”

Le volume spécial d’Historia mathematica, “Interplay between mathematical journals on various scales 1850–1950” est paru. Il propose  une introduction et des articles de 

  • Rossana Tazzioli, “Interplay between local and international journals: The case of Sicily, 1880–1920“,
  • Reinhard Siegmund-Schulze, “The interplay of various Scandinavian mathematical journals (1859–1953) and the road towards internationalization“,
  • Caroline Ehrhardt, “A locus for transnational exchanges: European mathematical journals for students and teachers, 1860s–1914“,
  • Maria Rosaria Enea, “Circulation of an editorial model: The case-study of the short-lived Le Matematiche Pure ed Applicate“,
  • Hélène Gispert, “Une ambition éditoriale “universelle et confraternelle” : le bulletin bibliographique de L’Enseignement mathématique (1899–1920)”,
  • Erika Lucciano, “Constructing an international library: The collections of journals in Turin’s Special Mathematics Library“.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
pnabonnand (28 décembre 2018). “Interplay between mathematical journals on various scales 1850–1950” CIRMATH. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mu6t

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