Le volume spécial d’Historia mathematica, “Interplay between mathematical journals on various scales 1850–1950” est paru. Il propose une introduction et des articles de
- Rossana Tazzioli, “Interplay between local and international journals: The case of Sicily, 1880–1920“,
- Reinhard Siegmund-Schulze, “The interplay of various Scandinavian mathematical journals (1859–1953) and the road towards internationalization“,
- Caroline Ehrhardt, “A locus for transnational exchanges: European mathematical journals for students and teachers, 1860s–1914“,
- Maria Rosaria Enea, “Circulation of an editorial model: The case-study of the short-lived Le Matematiche Pure ed Applicate“,
- Hélène Gispert, “Une ambition éditoriale “universelle et confraternelle” : le bulletin bibliographique de L’Enseignement mathématique (1899–1920)”,
- Erika Lucciano, “Constructing an international library: The collections of journals in Turin’s Special Mathematics Library“.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
pnabonnand (28 décembre 2018). “Interplay between mathematical journals on various scales 1850–1950” CIRMATH. Consulté le 16 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/mu6t